Plot Twist!! Another Love…
So here we were… all ready to sign the contract for our new build home. Then, I went to browse models for our popular MOMnationAZ Home Tour. I was stopped dead in my tracks. Like IN LOVE with one of the plans on our Mom group home tour list. Then it hit me, there are BIG life decisions at stake! I called Chris after and said “Babe, you’re probably going to kill me, but…there’s another house!” We went back later and Chris said “There’s no dilemma, I think we found our house!”
This ended up setting off a few days of back and forth, pro’s and con’s of both houses, comparing price points, payments, etc. Finally….we decided on the new love and signed the contract a few days ago! I felt like we were cheating on the first house, but both had their pro’s and con’s.
It’s so emotional to think that this is where Munch will grow up, make friends and go to school. We couldn’t be more excited!
Our lot is off to the left with a nice park across the street! This section will be all single story homes.
This is exactly what the front will look like! <3 <3 <3 #craftsman #dream
One of the biggest pieces of advice I can give someone looking into a new build is to make sure you know what happens to your earnest money deposit if things change. Luckily, in our case, the lot hold deposit was fully refundable and we were able to switch easily. Also, find out how much the deposit is and when they require it in the process. I’m working on an awesome cheat sheet for new builds of things to ask that you probably haven’t even thought of. You won’t want to go visit models without it. Email me at [email protected] to get your cheat sheet!
We are super excited to get the process rolling and check out the design center in a few weeks. It’s like being a kid in a candy store going to pick out all the pretty options! I will post up some color schemes soon and you all can help us decide!
Thinking of doing a New Build? Check out the newest blog on about the pro’s and con’s of buying a resale vs. a new build!
-JD a.k.a. #NewBuildNinja